Building Globally During A Pandemic

Welcome to “Building Globally,” a new update to keep you in the know about Milwaukee Habitat’s global mission helping families in need of safe, affordable housing around the world. Whether you’ve traveled on a Global Village Trip with Habitat in the past or are excited for the opportunity to join a trip in the future, this is your resource for the latest news in Milwaukee Habitat’s global community.

Building Globally During A Pandemic

Learn how Habitat for Humanity El Salvador, Milwaukee Habitat’s longest running global partner, is coping with the pandemic. We speak with Habitat El Salvador staff about the state of affairs and how they’re persevering to serve families in need.

While Global Village Trips are temporarily postponed, we’re constantly working with our partners to determine when it will be safe to enjoy the culture, community and and comradery of these trips once again. Be on the lookout for more updates here, on “Building Globally.” While the pandemic may have halted our ability to travel, it has not stopped us from sending critical funds to help families in need throughout the world.

Milwaukee Habitat’s Global Impact in 2020

El Salvador

18 families built new homes


60 families built new/rehabbed homes and major water projects were built in 5 communities


100 families built new/rehabbed homes

Gifts made to Milwaukee Habitat’s global mission will help families in El Salvador and Zambia who are in critical need of safe, stable housing.