Women Build 2024
Women Helping Women Rise Strong
Habitat homeownership creates independence, stability, and strength for families and neighborhoods. Our annual Women Build brings together friends and colleagues from across our community to raise funds, walls, and awareness - creating affordable homeownership opportunities for more families in Milwaukee.
Women Build Week offers a unique opportunity to bond with each other and the community. We provide the tools and equipment—You provide the hands and heart.

The issue: housing affordability
Women and children are the populations most likely to be affected by poor living conditions. Women also face more barriers to stable housing than men in similar economic situations. Some reasons include:
Men earn more on average than women, resulting in access to higher credit, better loans and better quality homes and neighborhoods.
Unequal caregiving responsibilities limit a woman’s ability to dedicate the necessary time to obtaining and maintaining consistent employment and decent housing.
Single women are denied mortgages at higher rates than single men, despite the fact women are more reliable at paying back mortgages.
How Women Build Helps
Through Women Build you can make access to affordable homeownership possible for local families in need. Last year, the majority of the families served through Milwaukee Habitat’s homeownership program were single mothers who had been living in unaffordable or overcrowded housing. Together with your support, we can help women in our community build strength, stability and self-reliance by becoming first-time homebuyers. Habitat homeowners help build their homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. That mortgage won’t exceed 30% of a family's income, widely recognized as the threshold for affordable housing, making it easier to afford nutritious food, pay for necessary medical care, and save for the future. Together we will empower women, empower families, and empower communities.
Get Involved
Help us raise $75,000 to purchase construction materials for one new Habitat home! And be one of 100 women volunteering during Women Build Week.
Sponsor benefits include:
- Priority scheduling for volunteer days
- Print and social media recognition
Gather five women together to create a team.
Raise $1,500 with your team! The first 10 teams to raise their $1,500 goal receive priority scheduling for volunteer days on a construction site this summer.
Your donation helps women and families achieve safe, stable, and affordable housing. Any donor who raises or donates $250 will receive our exclusive Women Build 2024 tee shirt.
Register here to join a team or volunteer as an individual.
Volunteer Team F.A.Q.s
- Volunteer on-site in groups of 5
- In-person volunteer opportunities will be prioritized for our fundraising teams
- Tasks may include framing, flooring and painting
- All equipment and safety gear is provided
- No experience is necessary
- The volunteer experience is collaborative and friendly. You will work under the guidance of construction professionals and alongside other volunteers and future Habitat homeowners.
Questions? Contact Volunteer Services and Events Manager, Kristi Sebald ksebald@milwaukeehabitat.org, 414-316-5612