A Habitat Leader, a Habitual Highlight
Craig Hahn, a Milwaukee Habitat volunteer, spent his career in finance. When he joined Habitat, he wanted to bring that experience with him, so he became a member the finance committee. However, he wanted to do more than that.
“I wanted to get involved and be a doer and actually build something,” Craig said.
Craig quickly learned the in’s and out’s of how to frame a Habitat home on the build site. He’s since become a key part of Milwaukee Habitat’s construction “Habituals” – volunteers who give their time monthly, weekly, or even multiple times a week. Craig’s now taking those skills he’s learned and passing them on to others as a volunteer house leader. Like so many of our dedicated volunteers, Craig is going above and beyond to help more families achieve the dream of homeownership.
“I find it very rewarding to actually build something and see the progress of the house as the house goes up right through the finish where we hand over the keys to the homeowner,” Craig said.
Although Craig spends a lot of his time out on the build site, he’s also helped drive the organization forward in a number of different capacities..
Craig is a former Milwaukee Habitat board president and now chair’s the board for Milwaukee Habitat’s Empower Investments LLC – which flips donated and bargain sale houses – raising money for our mission.
Whether he’s leading a board, teaching a volunteer to use a hammer, raising a wall, or making a new volunteer feel welcome, Craig’s dedication is felt across the organization.
Habitual volunteers like Craig, whether they volunteer on the construction site, in our ReStores, or behind the scenes, are an integral part of bringing safe, affordable housing to more families in Milwaukee.
“Whatever your talents are and whatever your background is, Habitat can use you,” Craig said. “And even if you don’t know what you’re doing as far as construction or don’t even know which end of the hammer to swing, we can help you out with that. They taught me; they can teach anybody.”
Listen to Craig talk about his experience: