2023 new construction highlights
raised the walls of
brand-new homes
families paid off their mortgages

children moved into Habitat Homes

Christina wanted to move out of her rental apartment and invest in a home of her own. She looked on the open market but when she found Habitat, what she saw was ‘community.’
“Other homeownership [opportunities] don’t bring the community together like this,” says Christina. “I like that the community gets to know each other.”
Christina is investing in a four bedroom home in the Harambee neighborhood. She sees it as an opportunity to put the money she allocated for rent into a valuable asset that her family can rely on in the future.
“It’s not worth the $1000 [per month] in rent,” says Christina. “I [didn’t] even let my kids go outside and play because it’s not safe.”
Instead, Christina built a brand new home where she has a fenced in backyard, more room for her family, and a second bathroom. She is happy to have a place they can truly call their own.
“I’m trying so hard,” Christina says. “I just want the best for [my kids].”
With the savings she is accruing with Habitat’s affordable mortgage, Christina sees more opportunities in the near and long term.
“They want to go to college – this can go to savings,” she says. “I can put them into sports.” Christina worked extremely hard to put herself and her family in a position to buy this home. When first asked what she would do once she got the keys to her home she said, “Just relax and enjoy it.”
Christina moved in June, 2023.
Habitat spotlight
Growing Up Habitat
Kweku-TeAngelo Cargile Jr. spent his teenage years in a Milwaukee Habitat home. Now, Kweku owns his own home and advocates for youth stability and development.

a word from our CEO

Brian Sonderman
Chief Executive Officer
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity

Brian Wickert
Board President ('23)
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity
The last year has been a year of growth and transformation for Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity. And it would not have been possible without you.
Thank you for believing in the power of this mission. You are shaping the lives of local families at a time when the cost of housing is going up in ways we’ve never seen before in this community.
Milwaukee has the second fastest rising rent in the United States. This is putting families struggling with our affordable housing crisis in near impossible situations.
That’s why I am so energized that for the first time in Milwaukee, a plan has been created to align affordable housing providers, supporters, and advocates throughout the city. The Community Development Alliance’s (CDA) Collective Affordable Housing Plan outlines what needs to be done to address our city’s tremendous need for more affordable and equitable housing.
A road map has been created to more strategically and efficiently address our city’s affordable housing crisis. Through this partnership, Milwaukee County designated $4.2M of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to increase homeownership in Milwaukee neighborhoods like King Park and Midtown. The grant is equivalent to a down payment on our plans for the future.
This year, Milwaukee Habitat broke ground on an ambitious new goal to double the number of families we serve by 2028. Over the next five years, our goal is to expand to consistently build more than 30 homes per year on our way to 40 per year by 2028. While at same time, doubling the number Critical Home Repair homeowners served - from 40-50 per year to 80-100 per year by 2028.
Whether you’re a Habitat homeowner, donor, volunteer, advocate, staff, AmeriCorps member, or community partner - know that your role is essential. Foundational to our mission is bringing people together. Thank you for being a member of this vibrant, big-hearted, and determined Habitat community.
In Partnership,

Brian Sonderman
Chief Executive Officer
breaking ground on new goal

This June, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity broke ground on an ambitious goal to help twice as many families become first-time homebuyers by 2028.
Left to Right: Brian Sonderman, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity / David Crowley, County Executive / Michael Emem, Emem Group / Johanna Jimenez, Take Root Wisconsin / Teig Whaley-Smith, Community Development Alliance
critical home repair
At Habitat for Humanity, we believe everyone deserves a decent place to live. In addition to building and selling new and rehabbed homes, we also make critical home repairs for homeowners in the neighborhoods where we build. These repairs include roofs, plumbing, electrical hazards, and more for qualified families.
The program offers a 0% interest loan on repairs, flexible repayment options, and up to 80% of the loan could be forgiven based on income.
families served in 2023

Swayzine and James drove by the same house on 29th Street for years. As they drove by, they talked about what it would be like to live in it.
Then, almost 10 years later, Swayzine, James, and their children moved from their apartment into their Habitat home. The same home they had driven past years prior and admired from the street.
In the early days of the organization, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity rehabilitated homes and sold them for an affordable mortgage to Milwaukee families. Swayzine, James, and their children moved into their rehabbed Habitat home in 2002 and have been there since.
Since day one of moving into their home, James made sure to keep it up. Swayzine described him as a “visionary” when it came to home repairs and upkeep.
Now, the upkeep of the home falls on Swayzine. James passed away on August 3rd, 2023.
Swayzine continued her late husband’s work as soon as she could. A little over a month after his passing, Swayzine came back to Milwaukee Habitat to help repair their home. Through our Critical Home Repair Program, Swayzine is getting their porch repaired at an affordable price.
Through the program, homeowners can get up to 80% of the project costs covered based on income, a 0% interest loan on repairs, and flexible repayment options.
The organization that once helped them become homeowners, is now helping Swayzine keep up their home in her husband’s honor.
lead abatement
Milwaukee Habitat offers lead abatement services at no cost. Lead abatement is designed to mitigate lead-based hazards in homes built before 1978. This typically includes lead-based paint on plaster, doors, windows, flooring, and exterior surfaces. This work is funded in partnership with the Milwaukee Health Department and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Sisters Shawn and Denise have lived in their home for the last seven years and they recently went through the Milwaukee Habitat Lead Abatement Program.
“It feels wonderful to be safe from lead,” Shawn said. “[It is] one less thing to worry about with grandkids and great nieces and nephews."

this year:
volunteer hours completed
habitual volunteers

Habitual House
Habitual volunteers came together to raise more than $66,000 to sponsor and build Moe Loe Soe’s house. A mother of three, Moe Loe said she can’t wait to “plant a garden and paint” – and truly make her Habitat house her home.
2023 volunteer awards

The Habitat Welcome Wagon Award recognizes individuals who make Habitat a better place to volunteer. They create an environment of warmth, welcome, and inclusion and help new participants feel like they are part of the team.
Award Winners: Greg Enerson, Greg Mann, Dolly McCartan, Amy Newman, Matt Steindorf, Julie Villa

The Habitat Rookie Volunteer Award recognizes volunteers who are in their first year volunteering and who have already made an outsized impact!
Award Winners: Diann Augustynowicz, Mary Beth McNichols, Sarah Scheiber, Chris Timm, Jerry Ziegler

The First Responders Award recognizes volunteers who always come through. No job is too tough to handle or request too unusual for these folks.
Award Winners: Phil Dibb, Andy Kinnear, Bill Loris, Mike Nelson, Rita Sigmund, Mark Volz

The Faithful Volunteer Award recognizes individuals who offer steady, consistent service to Milwaukee Habitat and because of this wonderful history of service have created a lasting impact on the organization!
Award Winners: Bobb Cherney, Diane France, Colleen Golomski, Al Marifke, Tam Reddie, Jim Stanke, John Wucherer
building globally
Since our founding in 1984, we’ve worked to build safe, affordable homes here in Milwaukee and across the world, believing that distance does not play any role when we want to achieve the common goal of eliminating poverty housing.
In countries around the globe, families are living in desperate conditions. With your support, we’re partnering with Habitat for Humanity affiliates in other countries, donating 10% of our unrestricted funds to ensure even more families have a safe, decent place to sleep at night —a donation known as tithe.

tithed to our global partners since 1984
tithed to our global partners in 2023
families served globally by home and development projects since 1984

In March of 2023, a team of Habitat staff and volunteers traveled to El Salvador to help a local family build their future home.
José, Ana, and their two sons Wilmer (21) and Axel (5) have been living in a shack that’s vulnerable to weather, earthquakes, and theft. The family runs a small business making rope where they make about $18 to $20 a day.
Our team, the El Salvador Habitat team, and José’s family and friends spent a week building a home out of cement blocks and hard work.
The family moved into their new home this past summer.
2023 ReStore highlights

sales by Milwaukee's three ReStores in 2023
pounds of reusable materials diverted from local landfills in 2023
donations made to our ReStores from individuals and businesses in 2023
priced value of materials salvaged by ReStore's Deconstruction Services in 2023
properties serviced by Deconstruction in 2023, including 19 commercial and 87 residential

Sargento Raises First Walls on New Project
This past summer, Milwaukee Bucks forward Pat Connaughton joined Sargento employees on site to raise walls on the 36th and 37th homes sponsored by Sargento.
The high-flying Buck looked right at home swinging a hammer next to Sargento employees - many of whom have been coming back to volunteer for years. In fact, Sargento was Milwaukee Habitat’s first corporate sponsor in 1992.
Sophia, whose home is sponsored by Sargento, joined Pat and Sargento employees on the build site. She closed on her home last summer.
“Taking pride in my home, being able to pay a mortgage - it’s a dream come true,” Sophia said

Brewers All-Star Pitcher Helps Build Brand-New Home
In May of 2023, Brewers Community Foundation, the charitable arm of the Milwaukee Brewers, and Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation teamed up with Milwaukee Habitat to begin building a safe, affordable home in Milwaukee’s Harambee neighborhood. Brewers All-Star pitcher Brandon Woodruff joined the Famous Racing Sausages and local volunteers to help build the home. For more than 15 years, Brewers Community Foundation has partnered with Milwaukee Habitat to help local families break down the barriers to first-time homeownership.

Johnson Controls Announces $150,000 Grant and In-Kind Donations
In June of 2023, Johnson Controls announced a $150,000 grant from the Johnson Controls Foundation and in-kind donations from Johnson Controls valued at $400,000 in support of Milwaukee Habitat. The in-kind donation includes HVAC equipment, fire detection and suppression devices, smart thermostats, security systems, and more for 90 new homes being built for local families.
2023 Sargento Build Week
Sargento employees spent a week on site this past summer building two brand-new homes for Milwaukee families.
Why I Volunteer, from Komatsu
Komatsu employees share why they volunteer with Milwaukee Habitat and the impact they are making for local families.

Accunet sponsored a new home for the seventh consecutive year through their $75,000 Framing the Future Gala Challenge match. Persephone always wanted to own her own home. With Accunet’s help she is putting down roots in the Harambee neighborhood. “I’ll be more at peace,” she said. “I’ll be able to have family over, to have my gardens. I’ll have something that will be my own.”

Bader’s $1 million gift helped build 40 new homes in Harambee from 2020-2023. Malik - the proud father of two boys - was in search of a home where his sons can grow and prosper. With Bader’s support, he is building a home where his children can have cherished memories. “They’ll be able to have the space to run and enjoy the fresh air,” Malik said.

Friendship House’s financial support has helped build, rehab, and repair 40 homes since 2012, including a new home for LaQuanta. She is excited to provide her two children with more room to be themselves. LaQuanta plans to transform the basement into a place for her kids - particularly her son, who plays the drums. “I think they are even more excited than I am,” she said.

Twenty-eight families have moved into new Habitat homes built by Komatsu - our largest annual corporate partner - since 2011. Total support tops $2.5 million from employee giving, a company match, and an annual supplier golf outing. “It’s nothing but peace and achievement,” Keenan said of his Komatsu-sponsored home. “A weight off my shoulders knowing that my son will have a place to call home.”

MGIC has partnered with Milwaukee Habitat for 26 years, donating over $500,000. The company loyally supports the Framing the Future Gala and has sponsored eight Habitat homes since 2016. Abraham is one of those homeowners. “First-time home buyers take pride in their homes,” Abraham said. “That’s what changes the neighborhood.”

Milwaukee Tool sponsored Shirley’s house and donated construction site and warehouse tools. Shirley said, “my heart did a happy dance” when she was approved to purchase her Habitat home. “This home gives me privacy, peace, and a new lease on life,” she said. “It’ll be somewhere my grandkids can play outside. I have 11 of them.”

A $100,000 grant from the Otto Bremer Trust funded new construction and critical repairs. The opportunity to build a brand new home was exactly what Aquaries was looking for. The prospect of getting to participate in the construction was even more enticing. “I actually get to learn how to do stuff,” she said. “My son will be able to say, ‘My mom built this house.’”

Wells Fargo has donated $1.4 million over the past two decades to help homeowners achieve strength and stability through homeownership. The bank’s $100,000 donation supported Priscilla’s dream to own a home of her own. “It is a great source of pride to have my own home and land I can pass down,” Priscilla said. “It means freedom and autonomy. It means stability for my daughter so that she can focus on school.”

Milwaukee Habitat
Women Build
Nearly 100 women representing 14 teams volunteered during the month of August to help Habitat homeowners rise
strong. Together, they raised over $50,000 to help sponsor Shirron’s new home in the Harambee neighborhood. Shirron appreciates being involved in the building process. “It’s a great opportunity to build friendships. Plus, I’ll be able to tell my kids, ‘I helped build those cabinets.’”

$465k raised at 2023 gala
On October 12, 2023, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity hosted the annual Framing the Future Gala from inside our early 20th century woodshop. The event, which welcomed over 325 attendees, raised $465,000 to build safe, affordable housing in our city.
Framing the Future Gala, presented by BMO Harris Bank, is Milwaukee Habitat’s largest annual fundraiser. This year’s event was chaired by MGIC’s CHRO, Annette Adams. The funds raised are crucial to Milwaukee Habitat’s work to help local families break down the barriers to first-time homeownership.
Presenting Sponsor
![BMOHB_T2 [Converted] BMOHB_T2 [Converted]](https://milwaukeehabitat.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/BMOHB_T2-Converted-1024x175.png)
$75,000 Challenge Match Sponsor

building on faith
homes sponsored by our Building on Faith Partners
congregations volunteered on the build site or at our ReStores
2x4s decorated to fill homes with blessings, prayers, and well-wishes
Welcome Home Gift Basket collections provided by Hales Corners Lutheran, Emmanuel Community UMC, and Brookfield UCC congregations

Presbyterian Coalition
Dedicated members of Presbyterian congregations have supported Milwaukee Habitat’s mission since our founding in 1984. In 1997, a group of Presbyterian congregations came together to raise walls, funds, and prayers by sponsoring the first brand-new Presbyterian Coalition home for Habitat homeowner Debra Torrence. In 2023, the Presbyterian Coalition sponsored their 25th brand-new home for Kenisha and surpassed $1,000,000 in total funds contributed to Milwaukee Habitat!

Milwaukee Habitat is one of ten Habitat affiliates selected to participate in the national TeamUp Pilot Cohort facilitated by Interfaith America, along with ten YMCAs and ten Catholic Charities. We are uniquely positioned to bring diverse groups of people together in Milwaukee. Through this project, we seek to expand opportunities for ethnically diverse, socio-economically diverse, and denominationally diverse people of faith to volunteer together, develop a deeper understanding of each other, and work together toward overcoming the challenges of affordable housing in our city.
in-kind partners
Thank you to our in-kind supporters. Their generous donations reduce our construction costs by $10,000 per house and ensure Milwaukee Habitat homes are built with the best products on the market.

special thanks to
- Milwaukee Tool for warehouse and build-site tools
- Columbus McKinnon for safety equipment
- Foley & Lardner and Godfrey & Kahn for pro bono legal services
- We Energies for wood chips for the build site
- An anonymous donor whose gift helped purchase trucks and tools
- An anonymous donor who paid for the installation of air conditioners

Home Sales......................................$3,717,000
ReStore Proceeds.........................$3,858,000
Grant Income...................................$2,490,000
Donated Goods & Services......$545,000
Special Events................................$760,000
Investments & Other Income...$740,000

Management & General....................$648,000
For complete details about Milwaukee Habitat's finances visit: https://milwaukeehabitat.org/about/financials/
2023 Board of Directors
Brian Wickert - President
Accunet Mortgage
Johanna Jimenez - Vice President
Take Root Wisconsin
Julia Savich - Vice President
Milwaukee Tool
Andrea Golvach – Treasurer
Briggs & Stratton (Retired), Community Volunteer
Steve Everett, Jr. – Secretary
Timber Creek Resource
Matt Barkow
Northwestern Mutual Life
Mike Boeder
Chorus Community Health Plans
Evann Derus
Godfrey & Kahn
Chino Imediegwu
Power Test, LLC
Terry Kurtenbach
Deloitte (Retired Partner), Community Volunteer
Julie Lee
Foley & Lardner LLP
Audrey Morrow
U.S. Bank
Jaquilla Ross
Rockwell Automation
Noaman Sharief
Dana Investment Advisors
Brie Skolaski
Yollande Tchouapi
Johnson Controls
Langston Verdin
Greater Milwaukee Committee
Portia Young
Sargento Foods, In
legacy society

Members of Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity’s Legacy Society have pledged planned gifts designated in wills, trusts, or retirement plans. Their gifts will ensure families have the security of owning a home for generations to come.
We thank our Legacy Society members:
Lois Bernard
Dennis Cahn
John Danninger*
Lois Ellen Debbink*
Linda Dohmen
David Feiss & Patricia Hanz
Jerold & Nancy Fennell
Janice Fox
Barbara Fruhbauer*
Ken & Cindy Gear
Jeanne Godfrey
Nancy Gruner
Phyllis Elaine Harvey*
Debra Hintz*
William & Lois Hoover
Donald & Cynthia Jamnik
Daniel Karrels
Ken Krueger
George Loxton & Sherry Postma Loxton
Greg Mann
James McClure, Jr. & Kathleen McClure
John Mesching
Charmaine Muroni*
Terry & Anne Neafie
Bonnie Patton
Kate Petrosky
Marceline Roberts
James Schinneller
Kelly Schlicht
Max Schmiege
Dennis Sell
Grace Sherer
Bryanne Skolaski
John Slater*
Dave & Valle Sonderman
Lucille Swain
William Torphy
Greg & Ann Van Dunk
Mark Volz
Brian & Rebekah Wickert
If you have designated Milwaukee Habitat in your plans and we have missed your name in error, please call 414-316-5611.
*denotes friends we have recently lost
thank you
Milwaukee Habitat extends its deep gratitude to the following individuals, churches, corporations, foundations, and other organizations making donations of $1,000 and above.*
City of Milwaukee - Community Development Grants Administration
Focus on Energy
State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services - Lead-Safe Homes Program
Bader Philanthropies, Inc.
Sargento Foods
State of Wisconsin - Equitable Recovery Grant
Friendship House
Habitat for Humanity International - SHOP Funds and other grants
Milwaukee Tool
Otto Bremer Trust
Wells Fargo Foundation
Accunet Mortgage / Brian & Rebekah Wickert
Larsen - Barriers to Black Homeownership Grant
Argosy Foundation
Brewers Community Foundation
The Charles R. O’Malley Charitable Lead Trust
Johnson Controls Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Phyllis Elaine Harvey Living Trust**
Anonymous (4)
Columbus McKinnon Corp.
Family of Five Parishes
Fiduciary Real Estate Development
First Weber Group Foundation
Cary & Barbara Gruenzel
Debra Hintz**
Ed & Helen Hintz
John Shelton Trust
JP Morgan Chase & Co. and JPMorgan Chase Foundation
CJ Kim
Mardi Madisen
William & Marian Nasgovitz
David & Susan Ogden
Ray & Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust
Paul Roller
John Slater**
Stormy Hill Foundation
Christine Symchych & James McNulty
United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
U.S. Bank and the U.S. Bank Foundation
We Energies Foundation
Founders 3
Clark Higgins
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
Joseph & Vera Zilber Family Foundation
Terry & Kristie Kurtenbach
Schoenleber Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
Lois Bernard
William & Barbara Boles
James & Lisa Borris
Doug & Barb Braun
L. Ellen Debbink**
Forest County Potawatomi Community
Jeanne Godfrey
Habitat 500 (2022) - Friends of Donna Kummer
Jerome J. & Dorothy H. Holz Family Foundation
Mandel Group
Marsha Ernst Krueger Charitable Fund through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
David Miller & Lori Reiman-Miller
Old National Bank Foundation
PNC Bank and the PNC Foundation
Philip & Karen Sonderman
Southwestern Manufacturing ‡
Thrive Realty Group of Keller Williams
Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church
William N. & Janice V. Godfrey Family Foundation Trust
Mark & Sally Winkelman
Associated Bank
Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation
Digicorp / George & Jill Fahr
Pat Doyle & Kristine Helms
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Peter & Linda Hotz Charitable Fund
David & Corrie Prunuske
Scot Forge ‡
Scott & Sally Swick
VineBrook Homes
Alvin & Marion Birnschein Foundation
Ray & Leah Brandt
Chris & Kelly Calvelli
Colliers International
Marlene Cory
Crossroads Presbyterian Church
Dominion Properties
Jonathan & Debra Eder
Steve Everett, Jr. & Pennie Everett
Falk Ruvin Gallagher Real Estate Team
David Feiss & Patty Hanz
John & Susan Hrobar
Interstate Partners
Johnson Financial Group
Journey House
Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Loris Family Fund
George Loxton & Sherry Postma Loxton
Lynch Family Charitable Fund
Mainman Family Fund through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Vincent & Janet Martin
Master Lock Co.
Michael Best ‡
Milwaukee Habitat Young Professionals
Sandra Molenda
Mary Ellen Nash
David & Laurie Nelsen
Paul & Kathy Oman
Peck Foundation Milwaukee
Pick ‘n Save / Roundy’s Foundation
Ralph Evinrude Foundation
Regal Rexnord ‡
The Ridge Community Church
Saint John’s on the Lake
Mary Kay Strachota
John Thomas
David & Joan Totten
Town Bank / Wintrust Mortgage
Trade Tech ‡
United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay
Kathleen Utschig
Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church
Wilbert & Genevieve Schauer Foundation
Anonymous (5)
Accurate Metal Products ‡
American Roller Bearing Co. ‡
American Tank & Fabricating ‡
Rachel Aufforth Johnson
Baird Foundation
Bensdorf & Abramson ‡
Karen Berry
Richard Bradley
Castle Metals ‡
Chr. Hansen
Christ King Catholic Parish
Conductix Wampfler ‡
David & Diane Berg Family Charitable Trust
David & Mel Johnson Fund through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Deb McKeithan-Gebhardt & Jack Gebhardt Charitable Fund
Eric & Lynn Delzer
The Denise E. Gallope Charitable Fund
The Duback Family Charitable Fund
Stewart Edwards & Joanne Danforth
Emmanuel Community United Methodist Church
Andy Feiring & Florence Steinberger
Jerold & Nancy Fennell
Finkl Steel ‡
Fitness Together
Scott Furmanski
Louis & Michele Gentine
Andrea Golvach
Eoin & Megan Gorman
Hal & Joyce Kuehl Fund through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Nancy Hanks
Herzing University
Theodore & Mary Ellen Humpal
Industrial Maintenance Welding & Machining Co. ‡
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Joe & Jody Jakubiak
James & Kathleen McClure Fund
David & Mary Lee Johnson
Daniel Karrels
Kloeckner Metals Corp. ‡
John & Sharon Koeble
Ken Krueger
Bill & Christie Krugler
Allan & Janine Lau
LB Steel ‡
Kevin Lewicki ‡
Linda J. Diedrich Designated Fund through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Gerald & Dorothy Logemann
Richard Losiniecki
Matric Group ‡
Mike McIntyre
MEI Total Elevator Solutions
Mid Valley Industries ‡
MLG Capital
Eddie Morales
Mortenson Construction
Nancy Mueller
Chad & Stephanie Navis
OEM Fabricators ‡
Megan Olsen
Paul & Kristen Ouweneel
Parker Hannifin Corp. ‡
Bonnie Patton
Penta Technologies / Struxi
Randy & Janet Peterson
Paul & Casey Pisarzewicz
Presbyterian Church of Western Springs
Presbytery of Milwaukee
Product Service & Manufacturing ‡
RBC Bearings ‡
Salesforce ‡
Konrad Schuettpelz & Barbara Maier
Sandra Schwab
Scott Silet
Brie Skolaski
Michael Switzenbaum & Gail Schumann
Susan Taylor
The Timken Co. ‡
Trinity Episcopal Church
Universal Welding & Engineering ‡
Viking Electric ‡
Dianne Weber
Weldall Manufacturing ‡
Karl Wiedenman & Rantell Ramirez
Wimmer Communities
Womack Machine Supply Co. ‡
Anonymous (11)
Tom Aaby ‡
ABB Motors & Mechanical ‡
Albert J. & Flora H. Ellinger Foundation
Helmut & Sandra Ammon
George & Julianne Archibald
Dan & Gwen Armbrust
John & Jenny Augustine
Matt & Stephanie Barkow
Michael & Margaret Beaumont
Fred & Karen Bersch
Steve & Michelle Bersell
Annette Beyer-Mears
Thomas & Elissa Bolger
Dr. Lori Albright Bonifas & William Bonifas
Matthew Brunell
Rob & Danette Buikema
Brian & Carolyn Butler
Karl & Nancy Byleen
Mark & Linda Carlson
Diane Carr
Catholic Community Foundation
Craig & Diane Cepukenas
Champlain Cable ‡
Charter Manufacturing Co.
Coil Manufacturing ‡
Adam Cook
Cushman & Wakefield-Boerke
Andrew DeGuire & Nikki Sohm DeGuire
Rick & Dixie Deines
Jean Delisle
Diana & Jim Dempster
Divine Mercy Congregation
Wolfgang & Barbara Dorner
Kathy Dwyer
Jay Edmundson & Andrew Warner
Elevated Insurance
Elkay Manufacturing
Bruce & Shelli Ellis
Evan & Marion Helfaer Foundation
Faith Community Church
Fastenal ‡
Linda Fedorczak
Fluid System Components ‡
Karlene Fox
Barbara Fruhbauer**
Daniel Funcannon ‡
Jenene & Michael Garey
GE Foundation
Joseph & Jackie Gessner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Goelzer
Jim & Judy Goodwin
Steve & Anne Gorzek
Steve & Rebecca Greiff
Edward & Roberta Griffith
Gary & Kathy Gwidt
Craig & Kimberly Hahn
Halvorsen Boiler & Engineering Co. ‡
Jeffrey & Joan Hansen
Richard Harbecke
Heather Harris
Jane Harris
Charles Hays
Andy Heuer & Pairin Hongsoongnern
Dianna Higgins
Alan & Jean Hilgeman
James & Pat Hoffman
Bill & Lois Hoover
Kenton Howenstine
Carol Hudson
Kathleen Jacobson
Mike Jacobson
JADCO Manufacturing ‡
Dr. Leander & Susan Jennings
Thomas Jensen & Claudia Francis
Marilyn John
Don Johnston
Russell Kafka
Thomas & Jane Kammerait
Kathleen Karrer
Gloria Katt
Donald Kerber
Daniel & Nancy Kiernan
Robert & Dorothy King
Mike & Maureen Klein
Kathleen Knutsen
Donald & Edith Koegel
Kolaga Family Charitable Trust
Susan & Kevin Laabs
James Lambe
Langer Roofing & Sheet Metal
Jean Larson
Margaret Layde
Christopher Leadley & Ellen Hing
Jeanine Lee
Robert Lehrmann
The Len & Pat Quadracci Family Fund
Jeffrey & Kristi Leswing
Treva Leupold
Dr. Matthew & Natasha Levy
Steven & Patricia Lipscomb
William Listwan
Jon & Jaime Lubner
Joan Maas
Tamara Maddente
Mark & Mary Madigan
Karen Maierle
Carl Mallmann
Michael & Jane Malone
Al Marifke
Cathy Markwiese
Bobbi Marsells
Emily & Jeff Mattson
Daniel & Ada McAdams
Paul McBride
Guy & Mary Jo McDonald
David & Deb Megna
Meltric - A Company of Marechal Electric
Michael & JoAnn Culp Youngman Charitable Fund
Megan Miller
Mark & Martha Mirsberger
Jonathan Mitchell
Kathleen Mitchell Kempke
Scott & Marjorie Moon
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius ‡
Charul Munshi
Rob & Olivia Myers
Terry & Anne Neafie
Brian Nelson
Sally Jo Nelson
New Berlin Lions Club
Ogletree Deakins ‡
Layton & Barbara Olsen
Michelle Oxman
Elisha Pacheco
Warren & Ann Pierson
Ryan Pogodzinski
Christine Prevetti
Talia Renna
Matthew & Marianne Robbins
The Robert J. Heideman Charitable Fund
Rockwell Automation
David Roessl
Eric Rumbaugh
Fred & Esther Rusch
Steven & Michelle Russ
Russell Investments
Julia Savich
William & Renee Scherkenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schmidt
Rodney Schrader ‡
Craig Schuele ‡
Kristie Schultz
Robin Seavers
Ronald & Gerri Seiser
Grace Sherer
Jack Simpson
Stanford Smith
Thomas & Iphigenia Smith
David Snow
Brian & Mara Sonderman
David & Valle Sonderman
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
St. James Catholic Church
St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Stalle Realty Group
James & Rosalind Stanke
Bernard Stanly
Streich Family Foundation
Christopher & Ann Swain
Carolyn J. Sweers
David & Judy Thayer
Titus Talent Strategies
Mike & Martha Tsuchihashi
Usinger Foundation
Don & Jane Vaughan
Robert & Ellen Venable
Voelz-Neall Charitable Fund
David & Cheryl Walker
Tim & Julie Wallen
Mary Jo Wallis
Janice & Al Watson
Wauwatosa Rotary Foundation
Wauwatosa Savings & Loan Foundation
Tim & Lorraine Wayman
Kathryn West
West Granville Presbyterian Church
Allan & Elizabeth Wheeler
Marilyn White
Wiberg Family Fund through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Lillian Wiegel & Barbara Schacht
Bill & Meagan Wigchers
Nancy Zabriskie
Thank you to donors who supported our mission via the following:
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Habitat for Humanity International - Cars for Homes
Immanuel Presbyterian Church - Alternative Christmas Market
The Interfaith Church Coalition
Komatsu - Employee Giving
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity - Carpenter’s Club
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity - Employee Giving
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity - Habitual House
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity - Women Build
The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches Annual Conference
The Presbyterian Coalition
Thrivent Choice
United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church - Alternative Christmas Market
In-kind donations of products and services:
A.O. Smith
Columbus McKinnon
Foley & Lardner
Godfrey & Kahn
Johnson Controls
Lannon Stone Products
Master Lock
Milwaukee Tool
Wago Corporation
We Energies
Special thanks:
Corporation for National & Community Service – AmeriCorps
** Estate Gift
‡ Komatsu Supplier Golf Outing
* Reflects donations from July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. All effort has been made to ensure accuracy. We apologize for errors or omissions. Contact: Kelly Schlicht, Donor Relations Manager, 414-316-5611, kschlicht@milwaukeehabitat.org.