the issue: housing affordability
Families in Milwaukee and all across the United States are paying too high a price to cover the cost of their home. Rents and homeownership costs are skyrocketing, while wages are not keeping pace. Far too often, families struggle to make ends meet. At Habitat for Humanity, we know that a family should never have to spend more than 30 percent of their income on a home.
However, 1 in 3 Milwaukee renters pay half or more of their income on housing. That means that 1 in 3 families are denied the personal and economic stability that safe, decent and affordable housing provides. Instead, 1 in 3 families are forced to make impossible choices.
Safe homes. Nutritious food on the table. Health care. Access to good schools. Reliable transportation. Which would you choose?
Habitat for Humanity knows the complexities that surround the cost of home. We also know the struggle, stress and pain of far too many families in our communities. And we know that those with the fewest resources are forced to make the hardest choices. We have to take a stand and declare our commitment: No family should have to pay more than half of their paycheck to cover the cost of home.
Last year, Milwaukee Habitat homeowners spent an average of 24% less on brand new and fully rehabbed homes compared to what they’d been paying to rent.
We’re also helping residents who are struggling to afford critical repairs. Whether it’s a leaking roof that’s causing mold damage or a hazardous electrical problem, our Critical Home Repair program is helping homeowners stay in their homes.
But Milwaukee Habitat is impacting more than just one family at time. By focusing our work in target areas, we bring families, our community and the city together to revitalize neighborhoods.
With such a substantial need for affordable housing in our city, we cannot do this alone. With your help, we’ll work to make the cost of home something we all can afford. Thank you for your support.

Milwaukee Habitat extends its deep gratitude to the following individuals, churches, corporations, foundations and other organizations making donations of $1,000 and above.*
Charles D. & Elenore P. Ashley Foundation
Friendship House
Project Reinvest
Sargento Foods
Wells Fargo Housing Foundation
3 Anonymous
The Harley-Davidson Foundation
Marsha Ernst Krueger Charitable Fund through Greater Milwaukee Foundation
David & Susan Ogden
Ray & Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust
Stormy Hill Foundation
We Energies Foundation
3 Anonymous
Altra Industrial Motion ‡
Anon Charitable Trust
Bader Philanthropies
Lois Bernard
William & Barbara Boles
Cole Family Charities
Ellamae Siebert Foundation
Jerold & Nancy Fennell
Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Linda J Diedrich Designated Fund
The Estate of Ruth Hart
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Jerome J. & Dorothy H. Holz Family Foundation
Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
The Kroger Co. Foundation
Bill & Christie Krugler
Kuehl Family Foundation
Yvonne Manning
The Master Lock Co.
Medical Society of Milwaukee
Julie Mickelson
Sandra Molenda
Paul & Kathy Oman
Presbytery of Milwaukee
Ralph Evinrude Foundation
Scot Forge ‡
Shorewest Realtors – Downtown
Saints Peter & Paul Parish
Stackner Family Foundation
David & Joan Totten
United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay
WaterStone Bank
Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church
James & Marieke Westerman
4 Anonymous
Joan & Richard Abdoo
Helmut & Sandra Ammon
Anixter ‡
George & Julianne Archibald
AT&T Wisconsin
John & Jenny Augustine
Badger Meter Foundation
Bensdorf & Abramson ‡
Eric Berg
Fred & Karen Bersch
Leah & Ray Brandt
Douglas & Barb Braun
The Brookby Foundation
Bryan Browning
Larry Burnett & Mary Foley
Karl & Nancy Byleen
Diane Carr
Tina Chang
Tom Chiapusio
Circle Metal Specialties ‡
City of Milwaukee – Community Development Grants Administration
Common Links Construction
Andrew DeGuire & Nikki Sohm DeGuire
Dixie & Rick Deines
Robert & Lainie DeJong
Victor & Jean Delisle
Divine Mercy Congregation
Wolfgang & Barbara Dorner
Dorothy Inbusch Foundation
James & Doris Durdan
Evan & Marion Helfaer Foundation
Steve Everett, Jr. & Pennie Everett
George & Jill Fahr
Falk Ruvin Real Estate
Karlene Fox
Gardner & Karen Friedlander
Eoin & Megan Gorman
Daniel & Margot Griesbach
Charles & Theresa Griesel
Halvorsen Boiler & Engineering Co. ‡
Jason & April Hansen
Helms-Doyle Charitable Fund
Andy Heuer & Pairin Hongsoongnern
Marianne Hondel
John & Susan Hrobar
John Huebner
Huntington National Bank ‡
Hupy and Abraham
Inlanta Mortgage
Jack & Lucy Rosenberg Donor Advised Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
Kathleen Jacobson
JADCO Manufacturing ‡
Nancy Jaeger
Johnson Controls
Johnson Controls Charity Trust Account
Joe Juknialis
Jane & Thomas Kammerait
Daniel Karrels
Ted & Mary Kellner
Donald Kerber
Daniel & Nancy Kiernan
Mike & Maureen Klein
Kohl’s Cares
Kolaga Family Charitable Trust
Terry & Kristie Kurtenbach
Doug & Barb Lackey
Mary Lacy
Lakefront Title
Dr. David & Lisa Lautz
The Len & Pat Quadracci Family Fund
Evan Lenhardt & Ginny Finn-Lenhardt
William & Patricia Lucke
Linda Madisen
Mainman Charitable Fund at Schwab
Margery Holley Uihlein Fund through the American Endowment Foundation
Rose Mary & Francis Matusinec
Daniel & Ada McAdams
Mike & Carol McIntyre
Michael & JoAnn Culp Youngman Charitable Fund
Maureen Michaels
Matthew & Jodi Moioffer
Alexander Montezon
Scott & Marjorie Moon
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius ‡
Mortenson Construction
Rob & Olivia Myers
Nelson Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
New Berlin Lions Club
Jodi Nienkerk
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak, & Stewart ‡
Peter & Linda Hotz Charitable Fund
Trent & Joell Poole
Anthony & Jean Reis
Marc Riewer
Gerald Rincher ‡
Amy Scott
Kelly & John Seaman
Cindy Shaffer
Shorewest Realtors
Todd & Meggan Snodgrass
St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Parish
James & Rosalind Stanke
Florence Steinberger & Andrew Feiring
SVA Plumb Financial
Mark & Christina Toth
Town Bank
Trinity Episcopal Church
Jim & Jean Ellen Trubshaw
Two Men and a Truck
Greg & Ann Van Dunk
Eric & Wendy Van Vugt
Voelz-Neall Charitable Fund
Janet & Raymond Vredenbregt
Seth & Rebecca Wahlberg
Ronald & Diana Waterman
Wauwatosa Rotary Foundation
Jeremy & Sara Wesemann
Wilbert & Genevieve Schauer Foundation
Willis Towers Watson ‡
Nancy Zabriskie
Judith Zetting
‡ Komatsu Supplier Golf Tournament
- Reflects donations from July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019. All effort has been made to ensure accuracy. We apologize for errors or omissions. Contact Andy Heuer, Development Director, 414-316-8695, aheuer@milwaukeehabitat.org
Zurn, A Rexnord Company
Brewers Community Foundation
Brian & Rebekah Wickert Family Foundation, a Donor Advised Fund of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Frieda & William Hunt Memorial Trust
Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Diane Pellegrin Fund
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
William & Marian Nasgovitz
Associated Bank
Judith Berka-Dannenbrink
BMO Harris
Bladen & Julia Burns
Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation
Crossroads Presbyterian Church
First Weber Group Foundation
Gladys E. Gores Charitable Foundation
GMAR – Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors
Habitat 500 – Friends of Donna Kummer
Home Depot Foundation
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
Johnson Controls Foundation
Lieselott Buettner Trust Estate
Betty Moran
Trainer Family Foundation
U.S. Bank Foundation
Union Pacific Foundation
UPS Foundation
Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church
A.M. Castle & Co. ‡
Accurate Metal Products ‡
Francisco Aguilar & Betty Ross Aguilar
Albert J. & Flora H. Ellinger Foundation
American Roller Bearing Co. ‡
American Tank & Fabricating ‡
Andaloro, Smith & Krueger
Aqua Foundation
Ken & Marti Berg
Dave & Susan Bohl
Brookfield Congregational UCC
Christ King Catholic Parish
Conductix Wampfler ‡
CoreLogic Solutions
Engman-Taylor Co. ‡
Erie Insurance
David Feiss & Patti Hanz
Cindy & Ken Gear
Louis & Michele Gentine
Carl Gobel
Andrea Golvach
Clark & Priscilla Higgins
Bill & Lois Hoover
Industrial Maintenance Welding & Machining Co. ‡
Kloeckner Metals Corp. ‡
Carol & Milton Kuyers
LB Steel ‡
George Loxton & Sherry Postma Loxton
Terry & Liz Lynch
Mardi Madisen
Matric Group ‡
Michael Best & Friedrich ‡
Ernest & Kia Nicolas
Nucor ‡
Paul & Kristen Ouweneel
Overton Chicago Gear ‡
Park Bank Foundation
Parker Hannifin Corp. ‡
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Powers Realty Group
PPC Foundation
Product Service & Manufacturing ‡
Corrie & David Prunuske
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren ‡
Rose & deJong
Michael & Barbara Schulte
Sivyer Steel Corp. ‡
Southwestern Manufacturing ‡
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
St. James Catholic Church
Three Holy Women Catholic Parish
The Timken Co. ‡
Wangard Partners
Weiss Family Foundation
Weldall Manufacturing ‡
Wells Fargo Government & Community Relations Group
David Wick
Womack Machine Supply Co. ‡
Thank you to donors who supported our mission via
contributions to the following:
AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign
Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Church Coalition
Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee
Facebook Charitable Giving
Family of Four Parishes Lenten Almsgiving Project
GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program
GE United Way Campaign
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Habitat for Humanity – Cars for Homes
J.P. Morgan Chase Employee Giving Campaign
Komatsu Employee Giving Campaign
The Presbyterian Church Coalition
Paypal Giving Fund
Thrivent Choice
Thrivent Faith Build
United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
United Way of Metro Chicago
A.O. Smith
Corporation for National & Community Service – AmeriCorps
Foley & Lardner LLP
Johnson Controls
Lannon Stone Products
Milwaukee Tool
Nest Labs
Quarles & Brady