More than 30 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly took an important step in promoting the idea that everyone deserves a decent place to live by declaring that the first Monday in October would be World Habitat Day.
Every year Habitat for Humanity joins our partners around the world to rededicate ourselves to recognizing the basic right of everyone to adequate shelter. While the overwhelming majority of our work is done in Milwaukee, 10% of Milwaukee Habitat’s unrestricted funds are “tithed” to partnering Habitat affiliates in other parts of the world. Milwaukee Habitat currently partners with Habitat affiliates in Zambia and El Salvador.
We’re excited to announce that with your support, Milwaukee Habitat has surpassed $5 million tithed to our global partners since our founding in 1984. That includes nearly $1 million tithed to Habitat for Humanity Zambia. Milwaukee Habitat’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity Zambia is helping families live safer, healthier, and more prosperous lives.
See Your Impact In Zambia
Making A Difference In Zambia – Habitat’s Priorities In The Region:
- Orphans and vulnerable groups housing – There are an estimated 1.4 million orphans under the age of 15 in Zambia, according to UNICE. This program helps orphans and vulnerable groups attain adequate, affordable and decent housing.
- Water, sanitation and hygiene – About 40% of the population have no access to safe water and 70% lack access to sanitation. Habitat Zambia’s program is meant to contribute to improved health and well-being of individuals through increased access to clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene. In the past six years, 30,250 individuals have been aided through WASH projects.
- Advocacy – Habitat Zambia aims to increase awareness of land right issues at both community and national levels. The main focus is in building community members’ capacity in advocacy skills in order for them to be self-reliant, mobile and claim their rights to effect change.
- Savings and financial literacy – This program raises awareness of financial risks and opportunities and builds the capacities of communities to make informed choices for effective financial well-being and improving their own living conditions. Habitat Zambia facilitates linkages with various financial institutions.

In addition to funds, Milwaukee Habitat organizes trips – sending volunteers to build with our Global Partners. Global Village Trips were temporarily postponed due to COVID, but staff from both Habitat for Humanity International and local affiliates are working hard launch more trips in the future. Sign up for alerts about future trips here.