Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity relies on grants from private, family and corporate foundations to fulfill our mission.

The following is sampling of current grants:

Bader Philanthropies supports neighborhood revitalization in the Harambee neighborhood through their 3-year, $1.2 million commitment.

Otto Bremer Trust, Wells Fargo, Frieda & William Hunt Memorial Trust and Ray & Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust fund new home construction in the King Park, Midtown and Harambee neighborhoods and critical home repairs throughout Milwaukee's northwest side.

Northwestern Mutual Foundation and the Joseph & Vera Zilber Family Foundation help us provide critical repairs to homes in the Amani and Lindsay Heights neighborhoods.

We are grateful for grants of $15,000+ from Bank of America, Jerome J and Dorothy H Holz Family Foundation, Brady Corporation Foundation, Jane B. Pettit Foundation and US Bank Foundation.

We are grateful for grants of $5,000+ from Weiss Family, Peck Foundation, Ralph Envirude Foundation, Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation, Alvin & Marion Birnschein Foundation and We Energies Foundation.

Contact us today.

For more information about Milwaukee Habitat's foundation grants, please contact Yetunde Bronson, Grant Writer, at 414-316-5610.