Adequate housing provides more than just shelter; it supports a safe and stable environment in which children can live and play. Families are healthier when they live in decent, affordable homes without having to double-up, move frequently or be exposed to mold, lead or pests. In this talk, hosted by Milwaukee Habitat and Medical Society of Milwaukee, Dr. Megan Sandel speaks on the concept of a stable and affordable home as a “prescription” to keep kids healthy.
Megan Sandel, MD, is an associate professor of pediatrics at the Boston University School of Medicine as well as an associate professor of environmental health at the Boston University School of Public Health. She has held both of these positions for the last eight years, but has been working with the university since 2002, first as an assistant professor. She is the former pediatric medical director of Boston Healthcare for the Homeless program and the first medical director of the founding site for medical-legal partnerships, Medical-Legal Partnership-Boston. In addition to publishing articles and serving on committees, she is considered an expert in her field on the topic of housing and child health.