Manifesting Homeownership

Manifesting Homeownership

Ashley has been manifesting homeownership for years. She believes in the power of positivity and has used it to fulfill her dream of becoming a homeowner. 

“When you speak positive, positive will come,” Ashley said. “I always manifested [homeownership]. Then it happens. You have to be positive.” 

Ashley is now building a brand new, two-story home in the Harambee neighborhood through Milwaukee Habitat’s Affordable Homeownership Program. The program helps families invest in the stability and equity of homeownership. 

She looked on the open market before applying to build a Habitat home, but was unable to acquire a loan that met her needs.

“It’s hard to get a house,” Ashley said. “Lenders are very strict. I feel like [Milwaukee Habitat] helps a lot of families. It’s an opportunity to grow to be a homeowner”

Milwaukee Habitat breaks down the barriers to homeownership, such as the denial of affordable loans. In our program, the home loan will not exceed 30% of a family’s income, which is widely recognized as the threshold for affordable housing.

Ashley will move into the home with her five-year old son, eleven year-old niece, and her future baby boy, expected in September. She sees this as an opportunity to secure long-term benefits for her children. 

“I want to pass down generational wealth to my kids,” Ashley said. “They will always have somewhere to go.”

For many in this country, homeownership has been a driver for generational wealth creation. U.S. homeowners have an average net wealth that is 400% higher than that of renters with similar demographics and earnings (source).

Ashley’s niece is eager to move into their home and excited to have her own space.

“She keeps asking [about a home and] pointing out houses for sale,” Ashley said. “I’m explaining to her the process. She knows that the house is getting built.”

Ashley acknowledges that her five-year-old son may not fully grasp the homeownership process, but she’s confident he’ll adore their new home.

“My son is a homebody and will love [having a home],” Ashley said. “He loves to run around. He will love the space, even though he might be confused at first.”

Looking ahead, Ashley envisions her future son growing up surrounded by the stability of homeownership, hopeful that he, too, will aspire to own a home one day.

“It will be great for my new baby son. He can follow in my footsteps,” Ashley said. “That means a lot.”

After years of looking on the market and manifesting the right opportunity, Ashley is excited to move into her new Habitat home.

“I know for sure I’m going to get butterflies,” Ashley said. “I’m just going to be so happy to move and to be able to claim it’s mine. I finally did it.”

Help break down the barriers to first-time homeownership for more local families.
Get a jump on your spring cleaning! ReStore now offers free and expedited pick up for everything from furniture to appliances and more! Let us do the hauling for you.
When you donate a car, truck, boat or RV through Habitat’s Cars for Homes™ program, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity receives 100% of the net proceeds of your vehicle donation.