New Roof Keeps Family of Seven Safe
A few months ago, Nalee and Ntxaij’s insurance company told them that they can no longer insure their home because of damage to their roof.
With five kids at home, they knew they needed to get the roof repaired to keep their family safe.
Nalee and Ntxaij got a quote from a contractor who told them that a new roof would cost them $50,000. They knew they couldn’t afford that anytime soon and needed to find another way.
Soon after, they received a pamphlet on their door with information about Milwaukee Habitat’s Critical Home Repair Program.

If you own your own home in this area you may qualify!
Through the Milwaukee Habitat Critical Home Repair Program, homeowners can get up to 80% of the project costs covered based on income, a 0% interest loan on repairs, and flexible repayment options.
They applied for the program, and were accepted to get a new roof.
“We are grateful someone walked by and put that flier on our door,” Nalee said.
Without Milwaukee Habitat’s Critical Home Repair Program, Nalee and Ntxaij were unsure what they would do to repair the roof.
“We would have called around,” Nalee said. “Financially we were nowhere near able to afford [the initial quote from the contractor].”

Now, Nalee and Ntxaij will get a new roof at an affordable price. Once the new roof is installed, Nalee and Ntxaij can get their insurance coverage back and keep their family safe.
“This new roof will mean security,” Ntxaij said. “We will get our insurance back. It is an investment in the property and we won’t have to worry about it anymore. It will be insured right away.”
From being accepted into the program to completion of the project, it will only take a few weeks before they have a new roof.
“The experience was nice and smooth with no delays,” Nalee said. “It is a load off my shoulders. We are grateful and excited.”