We’re back with another edition of Good News Tues to spread a little joy from our Habitat family to yours. We’re all in this together. Here’s hoping this brings a little light to your day.
Providing Clean Water In Zambia
When you think of a safe, decent home, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A sturdy roof, well-insulated walls and windows perhaps? While those are all true, another crucial aspect is access to clean water. A home cannot be considered decent or complete if there is no clean water, and that is even more true during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, water can save lives.
In areas of Zambia, for example, poor hygiene and limited access to clean drinking water cause diseases such as diarrhea and cholera, which are very common and potentially lethal. The most affected are usually those living in the informal settlements, slums, around urban areas. These are the very places Habitat for Humanity is focusing our work. Habitat’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live, which is why since Milwaukee Habitat’s founding we’ve partnered with Habitat affiliates, like Zambia, to provide critical support.

Since 2017, Milwaukee Habitat has partnered with Habitat Zambia to provide financial and volunteer assistance. In the photo above, Milwaukee Habitat Accountant, Shari, and Project Manager, Lee, volunteered on a Zambia Global Build Trip in 2019. While these Global Village trips are postponed due to COVID-19, Milwaukee Habitat has continued to commit 10% of our unrestricted funds to help families in the countries we partner with.
In 2020 alone, these funds helped 60 Zambian families build and rehab homes. Additionally, major water projects were built in 5 communities in the south African country thanks to support from people like you. Water projects (like in the video above) are delivering clean, safe water today to families struggling with extreme poverty.

We’re looking forward to the day when we can go back to building, making new friends, and experiencing the rich culture in Zambia. Until then, see the local opportunities below to get involved with Milwaukee Habitat’s global mission.