Rain, Rain, Go Away
Every time it rains, Shlomo and Yanina Kittner have to put out a bowl to collect water that is leaking into their home. They have been living with a leaky roof for two years and it is now causing drywall damage along with possible mold.
“We can’t live with a leaky roof. It doesn’t repair itself,” Yanina said.
They looked into repairing the roof through a commercial roofing company, but that was too expensive for them.
Someone recommended that they look into Habitat’s Program, so Eric, Habitat’s Critical Home Repair Manager, came to look at their house and roof.
“Eric said that this is critical. He helped me decide what to do and told me he would present our case and find companies who want to do it,” Yanina said.
Without Habitat’s Critical Home Repair Program, the Kittners would have had to go to a commercial bank and ask for a loan. However, they knew that was very expensive and too difficult for them. They were ready to work with Habitat and fix their leaky roof.
Through the Milwaukee Habitat Critical Home Repair Program, homeowners can get up to 80% of the project costs covered based on income, a 0% interest loan on repairs, and flexible repayment options. To qualify, families must own, and live in, their home in the area mapped out below.

In order to qualify for a home repair, homeowners must be willing to partner with Habitat and be able to show the need for repair. Shlomo and Yanina are enthusiastic about working with Habitat and grateful for their current partnership.
“The process is much easier and more personal; we can talk to people directly,” Shlomo said. “This program is here to improve the quality of living in the neighborhood and improve life.”
Not only will the Kittners get their leaky roof fixed, but they also hope to get their second floor porch repaired as well. They live in a beautiful neighborhood and want to be able to utilize their porch.
“We will love to use our porch during the summer. It will be safe to use again,” Shlomo said.
Roof and porch repairs are only two of the many repairs that Milwaukee Habitat Critical Home Repair Program does. Other types of repairs include exterior door, gutter, chimney, broken window, code violations, plumbing hazards, and more.

The Kittners hope others in the community will utilize the Critical Home Repair Program and partner with Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity.
“You don’t need to struggle. The process is easy, especially for people who work so much and who don’t have much time,” Yanina said.