Ready to Build: Morgan’s Path to Homeownership

Ready to Build: Morgan’s Path to Homeownership

Milwaukee Habitat’s Affordable Homeownership Program is unique in the way that those in our program help build their home and the homes of their neighbors. They spend time on site with staff and volunteers building homes. For some, hands-on construction work is a new experience. However, for Morgan, it’s practically second nature.

Morgan is partnering with Milwaukee Habitat to build a brand-new home. She is currently renting and considers herself lucky to be in the rental property she is in now. When she first moved, her landlord was a family friend and she only encountered minor issues with the electrical work. After the friend sold the home, she encountered more difficulties. The new landlord would start remodel work at late hours and use her appliances without permission. She then decided it was time for a change.

“It makes me feel uncomfortable,” Morgan said. “I’m ready to be on my own.”

Not only did Morgan want to move out of her current rental, but other factors in her life made her consider homeownership as the next step. Morgan is currently a CNA and recently decided to re-enroll in school to become a nurse. She also was frustrated with rising rental prices and the challenge of finding reliable landlords. Because of these factors, she decided she wanted to invest in the stability of homeownership.

“It’s hard to find a good landlord with [affordable] prices in a good neighborhood,” Morgan said. “With school and requirements, [homeownership] is the best move at this moment.” 

She is ready for the stability that homeownership will bring to all aspects of her life. As she works through the program to become a homeowner, she is excited to get on the build site and help build her home. Morgan grew up watching her mother handle household repairs, which has influenced her excitement for hands-on work.

“I don’t mind getting my hands dirty,” Morgan said. 

Morgan is also excited to be able to help others on their homes.

“I like to help. I feel like I’m doing something,” Morgan said. “[I can say] I helped build someone’s house. That will be a really good feeling. I love doing stuff like that.”

After moving in, Morgan is looking forward to using her current skills and the skills she learns on the build site to make her house a home.

“[When] I’m in my own space, I can do what I please,” Morgan said. “I’m excited to see what I come up with.”

Morgan is determined to work hard throughout the process and accomplish this dream of homeownership.

“It will be a big weight lifted off my shoulders,” Morgan said. “It’s yours and no one can take it away from you.”

Help break down the barriers to first-time homeownership for more local families.
When you donate a car, truck, boat or RV through Habitat’s Cars for Homes™ program, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity receives 100% of the net proceeds of your vehicle donation.
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