ReStore Deconstruction Salvages 7 Tons of Materials from Marquette

This July, Milwaukee Habitat ReStore’s Deconstruction Services partnered with Mortenson Construction and Marquette University to salvage approximately seven tons of materials from a demolition project of buildings on the Marquette campus. The estimated resale value of the items salvaged, which includes file cabinets, radiator covers, vintage oddities, and even an old wooden boat, totaled more than $19,000! That’s enough to fund a third of Habitat new construction home!

Thank you to Mortenson Construction and Marquette University for partnering with us on this fantastic donation! Additionally, a huge thank you to the over 300 combined volunteer hours by ReStore’s Deconstruction Services to make this donation possible!

Interested in having ReStore’s Deconstruction Services salvage usable materials from your remodeling or demolition project? Donations are tax deductible, prevent waste, and are resold at ReStore with proceeds benefiting Habitat’s mission of building safe, affordable homes for families in need. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW!