Equity For All

Our nation and city are in a desperate place today as we join our Twin Cities neighbors in mourning George Floyd. We have witnessed yet another person of color die senselessly at the hands of the very people entrusted to serve and protect. Above all, we have allowed distrust and prejudice to win out over… Read more

Good News Tues. – May 19th

There’s a lot of bad news going around these days. It can feel overwhelming at times. So, we wanted to take a moment to share a little joy and hope from our Habitat family to yours. Here’s hoping this brings a little light to your day.  AlisheaFrom a very young age, Alishea aspired to one… Read more

Understanding Your Property Assessment

Recently you may have received a letter from the city that shows your newly assessed property value.  It can bring you joy, confusion or even worry, depending on how that assessment has changed.  Here are some answers to questions you may have: What are property assessments? Property assessments are conducted by the city to establish a value for your… Read more

Good News Tues. – May 5th

Watch this special message from Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity Executive Director, Brian Sonderman.   Today is #GivingTuesdayNow, a global movement to support organizations affected by the pandemic. Thank you to everyone who has already given and had their donation doubled by Accunet Mortgage. Thanks to your generosity we’re over half way to our goal of $25,000! If you’ve… Read more


In this moment of unprecedented need, our community has set a goal: Create 3.5 million no-sew masks for local healthcare providers and other essential service workers. And to achieve this goal, we need YOU. Volunteers are invited to pick up a mask kit from Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, take the kit home to assemble the no-sew… Read more

Good News Tues. – April 21st

There’s a lot of bad news going around these days. It can feel overwhelming at times. So, we wanted to take a moment to share a little joy and hope from our Habitat family to yours. Each Tuesday in April, we’ll be sharing good news in a series we call “Good News Tues.” We’re all… Read more

Good News Tues. – April 14th

There’s a lot of bad news going around these days. It can feel overwhelming at times. So, we wanted to take a moment to share a little joy and hope from our Habitat family to yours. Each Tuesday in April, we’ll be sharing good news in a series we call “Good News Tues.” We’re all… Read more