Tag: Milwaukee

ReStore Volunteer Spotlight – Lynn

ReStore Volunteer Spotlight – Lynn ReStore is driven by volunteer power: every day, our volunteers turn every donated couch, cushion, and cabinet into an opportunity for local families to become first-time home buyers. In today’s Good News Tues we’re shining a spotlight on one of our talented ReStore volunteers, Lynn. Lynn volunteers at our Greenfield… Read more

Brewers, Fairway Team Up To Build Safe, Affordable Habitat for Humanity Home

Brewers, Fairway Team Up To Build Safe, Affordable Habitat for Humanity Home Brewers pitcher Brandon Woodruff, Brewers Community Foundation (BCF), the charitable arm of the Milwaukee Brewers, and Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation teamed up with Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity to begin building a safe, affordable home in Milwaukee’s Midtown neighborhood last week. Brewers all-star pitcher,… Read more

A Path To Equity

A Path To Equity Gina sees the responsibility of homeownership as something of a family tradition. She grew up in a home that her parents owned. From an early age she began to realize the value of having a place they could always come home to. Now, Gina intends to pass that tradition along to… Read more

Walls Are Raised On Affordable Homeownership Initiative In Harambee

Walls Are Raised On Affordable Homeownership Initiative In Harambee The first walls were raised on an affordable homeownership initiative in Milwaukee’s Harambee neighborhood. Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity plans to build more than 80 brand new, affordable homes in the area over the next four years. These homes are part of our Cost of Home campaign… Read more